Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012


Ten Friends of the Secured Login Heaven

dakwatuna - "And the people who earlier more First of all (to Islam) among the people Emigrants and Helpers and those who follow them well, God is pleased with them with them and they are pleased with Allah. God prepared for them Gardens beneath which flow rivers. They will dwell therein for ever. That's a great victory. "(Surat At-Tawbah: 100)
Here are the 10 companions of the Prophet which is guaranteed to go to heaven (Asratul Kiraam).

1. Abu Bakr Siddiq ra.
He was the first caliph after the death of the Prophet. Besides Abu Bakr is also the first man who converted to Islam, sacrifice and courage he recorded in history, even in the Quran (Surah At-Tawbah verse-40) as follows: "If not help him (Muhammad), Allah has help (ie) when the disbelievers (idolaters of Mecca) out (of Mecca) was he wrong one of two people (the Prophet and Abu Bakr) when both were in the cave, at a time when he said to his companion: "Do not grieve, God sesungguhya with us ". Then God sent down serenity to (Muhammad) and help him with troops you could not see it, and God made the call unbelievers that low. And that's the high word of Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise. "Abu Bakr Siddiq died in the age of 63 years, from 142 hadiets he narrated.

2. Umar Bin Khattab ra.
He was the second caliph after Abu Bakr, and includes one of the most beloved by the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime. Before embracing Islam, he is the most dreaded enemy of the Muslims. But since he bersyahadat Apostle before (the sixth year after Muhammad was appointed as a prophet of God), he became one of the strongholds of Islam that is able to dampen the opposition of the Quraysh against the Prophet and the Companions themselves. Age of kekhalifaannya, Islam spread as wide as possible from the East to the West, Persia and the Byzantine empire can be conquered in just one year. He died in the age of 64 years was killed, buried adjacent to Abu Bakr and Aisha that the Prophet dibekas house now located in Nabawi mosque in Medina.

3. Usman Bin Affan RA.
The third caliph after the death of Umar, in all the writings pemerintahannyalah revelation ever recorded by a friend during his life the apostle collected and compiled according to the arrangement established by the Prophet to be a book (holy) as we find today. He died in the age of 82 years (there are a reported 88 years) and was buried in Baqi '.

4. Ali Bin Abi Talib ra.
Is the fourth caliph, he is famous for its tactics of war and high science. In addition to Umar bin Khattab, Ali ibn Abi Talib is also famous for his bravery in battle. He had followed the Prophet as a child and lived together until he became the apostle of the Prophet until his death. Ali Bin Abi Talib died in the age of 64 years and was buried in Koufah, Iraq now.

5. Talha Bin Abdullah ra.
Converted to Islam by Abu Bakr Siddiq ra mediation, always active in every battle except the Battle of Badr. In the battle of Uhud, she who maintain that the Prophet spared from the sword enemy, thus breaking his fingers. Talha Bin Abdullah Jamal was killed in the War of the reign of Ali Bin Abi Talib in the age of 64 years, and is buried in Basra.

6. Bin Zubair Awaam
Embraced Islam because of Abu Bakr Siddiq also ra, go emigrated twice to Habashah and follow all wars. He was killed in the Jamal war and buried in Basra at the age of 64 years.

7. Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas
Adhering to Islam since the age of 17 years and followed throughout the war, the enemy had captured and ransomed by the Prophet with the mother and father own two during the battle of Uhud. Died at the age of 70 (there are a reported 82 years) and was buried in Baqi '.

8. Sa'eed Bin Zaid
Islam has been since childhood, followed all the battles except Badr. He shared Talha Bin Abdullah had instructed the apostles to spy on enemy movements (Quraish). Died at the age of 70 years was buried in Baqi '.
9. Rahman Bin Awf
Converted to Islam since childhood through Abu Bakr Siddiq and follow all the wars with the Apostles. Habashah helped emigrate to 2 times. Died at the age of 72 years (there are a reported 75 years), is buried in the Baqi '.

10. Ubaidillah Bin Abu Jarrah
Converted to Islam along with Usman bin Math'uun, also emigrated to Habashah in the second period and follow all the battles with the Prophet. Died in the year 18 H in urdun (Sham) as bubonic plague, and was buried in Urdun which is still often diziarahi by Muslims.

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