The Reality Decision –Making
Doing Decision Making real a feature that plays an
important role in the life of every human being every day. Any action taken by
every individual has a deep background of a decision-making process itself.
decisions do seem to show how strong a person he was. But we do not have enough
time to investigate and examine all aspects of a situation dadi situations to
make the right decision for him.
Sometimes we have to take real action in real time that can enhance our lives or even destroy our own lives, because we are unable to use all our resources. We do not even have enough time to analyze the true and just, right and who is not quite right. Therefore, we only get a view and a broad overview and a glimpse of the consequences of certain actions.
Before proceeding further let us look at a study conducted by a psychologist ... according to Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget in his book The Moral Judgement of the Child 1932, which revealed that children begin reasoning in a situation characterized by the rules and strict obedience to authority so that children do not follow other people's perception of others, but to his own desire to be forced upon others.
This leads the child to answer the objective for which tangggung children think more about the consequences of illegal acts berbatai of the parents. Moral realism is another factor that builds equity imanan in children with children are afraid of punishment. In addition to the social environment of a child also influence the moral approach. due to inherited power from top to bottom it is easy to adopt a child with what is given to them. Experience-pengelaman adult makes a child decide which one is good and bad in practice. If a child but in a corporate environment or kotup, he will tend to release their own oralnya principle. Children would take the experience and techniques from adults to build a similar environment. In saming if the child is a good neighborhood that is very disciplined, he will receive it in the same way. Decisions are made the children are also influenced by the pattern of education obtained by the children.
Most of the time was deeply affected the psychology of education of children in positive terms, but education can also serve other hand if the child does not have enough status, position or appreciation even after making a real effort. When children learn the differences of morality and the regulations, the questions start popping up in his mind. Children see things critically in the light of the values of morality and convention. If a child finds a structure that works effectively according to these values, the aia to receive and retain such values as the standard
But if the child finds these regulations in different circumstances, would be affected by poor mental. They then painstakingly adhere to something that is contradictory in his mind. Therefore, the autonomous decision-making can be studied in light of research conducted by Dr. Jean Piaget. However, in order to understand everything mentioned above in connection with a person is a difficult job but generally such personal activities may reveal perceptions, ideas and approach to others. Anonom decision-making can also be observed through the various capabilities of each person.
Then the conclusion is that an autonomous decision usually depends on the individual approach. It is precisely the social constraints that affect the one person's decision-making. Therefore terpentingyang thing we should note in the middle of changing society is giving great attention terhdap lingkungananak children, development, treatment and parenting. Here are 6 Steps to Take Right Systematic Decision:
Sometimes we have to take real action in real time that can enhance our lives or even destroy our own lives, because we are unable to use all our resources. We do not even have enough time to analyze the true and just, right and who is not quite right. Therefore, we only get a view and a broad overview and a glimpse of the consequences of certain actions.
Before proceeding further let us look at a study conducted by a psychologist ... according to Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget in his book The Moral Judgement of the Child 1932, which revealed that children begin reasoning in a situation characterized by the rules and strict obedience to authority so that children do not follow other people's perception of others, but to his own desire to be forced upon others.
This leads the child to answer the objective for which tangggung children think more about the consequences of illegal acts berbatai of the parents. Moral realism is another factor that builds equity imanan in children with children are afraid of punishment. In addition to the social environment of a child also influence the moral approach. due to inherited power from top to bottom it is easy to adopt a child with what is given to them. Experience-pengelaman adult makes a child decide which one is good and bad in practice. If a child but in a corporate environment or kotup, he will tend to release their own oralnya principle. Children would take the experience and techniques from adults to build a similar environment. In saming if the child is a good neighborhood that is very disciplined, he will receive it in the same way. Decisions are made the children are also influenced by the pattern of education obtained by the children.
Most of the time was deeply affected the psychology of education of children in positive terms, but education can also serve other hand if the child does not have enough status, position or appreciation even after making a real effort. When children learn the differences of morality and the regulations, the questions start popping up in his mind. Children see things critically in the light of the values of morality and convention. If a child finds a structure that works effectively according to these values, the aia to receive and retain such values as the standard
But if the child finds these regulations in different circumstances, would be affected by poor mental. They then painstakingly adhere to something that is contradictory in his mind. Therefore, the autonomous decision-making can be studied in light of research conducted by Dr. Jean Piaget. However, in order to understand everything mentioned above in connection with a person is a difficult job but generally such personal activities may reveal perceptions, ideas and approach to others. Anonom decision-making can also be observed through the various capabilities of each person.
Then the conclusion is that an autonomous decision usually depends on the individual approach. It is precisely the social constraints that affect the one person's decision-making. Therefore terpentingyang thing we should note in the middle of changing society is giving great attention terhdap lingkungananak children, development, treatment and parenting. Here are 6 Steps to Take Right Systematic Decision:
1Set your
The first step of course you have to know exactly what problems you face. You also need to have goals and outcomes to be achieved after you make a decision. In general there are two types of decisions:
• The decision yes or no. For example should you buy a car or should you change jobs.
• Select from the options. For example what kind of car would you buy or what is the best job for you.
The first step of course you have to know exactly what problems you face. You also need to have goals and outcomes to be achieved after you make a decision. In general there are two types of decisions:
• The decision yes or no. For example should you buy a car or should you change jobs.
• Select from the options. For example what kind of car would you buy or what is the best job for you.
This is important since the beginning of the end goal will affect the way you act and think. Give a deadline (deadline) when you have to take decisions to ensure you do not focus too long on one problem without considering other issues.
2. Find the right information
Information is the key to make the right decision. Look for facts and opinions that support your decision. Do the observations, interviews, surveys, reading literature, or ask for opinions of others to obtain information both subjective and objective. But remember, not to seek any information to the wrong person, or request full of people who are not experienced for example ask for opinions on how to manage finances of people who have a lot of debt or how to lose weight the right of the people who are overweight. Such things are sometimes not considered that making such information or advice that you can not correct.
3. Looking for options and possibilities that exist from various viewpoints
In taking a decision, you should consider all the possibilities that exist, especially if the decision you take is a big decision. Explore each a different perspective, do not limit yourself by something that is already available or something that already exists in your mind. Thinking out-of-the-box would initially seem irrelevant or not in accordance with the existing situation, but it is a solution often emerges from such ideas. But, of course, a variety of possibilities that must be supported by facts and research the truth.
4. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of each option would you take
Use logic and common sense to analyze the advantages and disadvantages or advantages and disadvantages of each option available. What this decision make sense? If so, why, if not, why not? What are the risks of this decision? What can be done to minimize the risks are there? Ask these questions to yourself.
5. Do not try to perfect
Many people put off decisions for fear of being wrong. First of all you should know that, there is no perfect human being, even an experienced leader who sometimes makes mistakes. Second, even if you make a mistake, you can learn a lot from your mistakes and it is a very valuable experience
6. making it difficult to do though
ften, you have to face difficult situations to take a decision. If you
encounter such a situation, do not continue to shy away because you are only
compounding the problem. Decisions such as whether you should end a
relationship or whether you should change jobs, is not an easy decision, but
you still must make a firm decision that you do not linger to concentrate in
one situation and ignore the other issues are also waiting for your decision.
Once you make a decision, it does not mean the work is completed there alone. You must monitor and evaluate the real impact and effect of decisions you've made. If the result was not in accordance with ekspektasimu, you can rotate the road and take the other road.
Once you make a decision, it does not mean the work is completed there alone. You must monitor and evaluate the real impact and effect of decisions you've made. If the result was not in accordance with ekspektasimu, you can rotate the road and take the other road.
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Any action taken by every individual has a background thatdepth of the decision making process sendiriTerkadang we must take action in real time that can enhance our lives or even destroy our own lives, because we can not use all our resources. .
The most important thing is the middle of the community must pull through greater attention to the real decision-making because if we are wrong in her step, the risk that we will also bear the weight,
Question tags adalah pertanyaan
singkat yang diikutkan pada akhir sebuah kalimat untuk membuat pertanyaan.
Kalimat:- She speaks English.
Pertanyaan:- Does she speak English?
Question Tag:- She speaks English, doesn’t she?
Pertanyaan:- Does she speak English?
Question Tag:- She speaks English, doesn’t she?
Question tag dibentuk dari sebuah
kata kerja bantu dan subjek. Jika kalimat positif, kita biasanya menggunakan
tag negatif, contoh:
That’s a great song, isn’t it?
She’s a lawyer, isn’t she?
Jika kalimat negatif,
kita gunakan tag positif. Contoh:
You‘re not busy, are you?
This way isn’t right, is it?
Kata kerja bantu dan
subjek dalam question tag sesuai dengan yang terdapat pada kalimat utama. Hanya
bentuk positif dan negatifnya yang berubah. Contoh:
He can play the trumpet, can’t he?
You haven’t finished yet, have you?
Pada kalimat diatas
subjek diberi warna biru, dan kata kerja bantu warna hijau. Yang mengalami
perubahan hanya bagian dari pertanyaan yang positif atau negatif.
Question tag memiliki
dua tujuan utama: untuk menguatkan informasi yang diharapkan dan untuk
menanyakan informasi yang tidak diharapkan. Kedua tujuan ini bisa dibedakan
berdasarkan intonasi pengucapan yang kita gunakan - jika suara merendah berarti
pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan informasi yang diharapkan - jika suara meninggi
berarti benar-benar menyanakan sebuah pertanyaan. Contoh:
Intonasi menurun - You haven’t finished yet, have you?
Penanya mengharapkan
orang yang ditanya telah selesai, penanya hanya memeriksa saja untuk
Intonasi meningkat - You haven’t finished yet, have you?
Pembicara benar-benar
menanyakan apakah yang ditanya sudah selesai atau tidak. Jika yagn ditanya
selesai lebih cepat dari yang diharapkan si penanya, maka pembicara akan
You’re really busy now, aren’t you? - Yes, I’ve got to finish
this by Monday.
Orang yang ditanya
pada kalimat diatas menguatkan bahwa dia sedang sibuk, kemungkinan dengan
menunjukkan simpati juga.
Why are you watching TV? You’re really busy now, aren’t you? -
Not really, I did most of it last night.
Pada kalimat ini orang
yang bertanya menganggap orang yang ditanya sibuk tetapi penanya terkejut sebab
orang yang ditanya seharusnya sedang bekerja bukan nonton TV, jadi penanya
menanyakan tentang situasi yang tidak diharapkan.
Kalimat negatif dengan
tag positif sering digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan, contoh:
You don’t have a pencil, do you?
You couldn’t change a $5 bill, could you?
Question tag yang memerintah biasanya menggunakan will, contoh:
Open the door for me, will you?
Hang on a minute, will you?
Selama tidak digunakan
dengan bahasa informal, question tag dengan maksud memerintah sering terdengar
tidak bersabar.
Nama:Nurul khomariah
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